2508, 2022

181+ Wellness Slogan Ideas To Feel Better at Work

By |August 25th, 2022|Categories: Jobs|Comments Off on 181+ Wellness Slogan Ideas To Feel Better at Work

The importance of overall employee wellness and mental health has become a more prominent topic over the past two years. In fact, the results of a British study recently found that happy employees are 13% more productive than their counterparts. All the data suggests a healthy workforce is more [...]

2408, 2022

250+ Positive Affirmations for Alpha Males that Actually Work

By |August 24th, 2022|Categories: Jobs|Comments Off on 250+ Positive Affirmations for Alpha Males that Actually Work

Expectations remain high for the typical male in our society. While minds have certainly changed since the 1950s, men are still expected to be the bread winners in a family. We are expected to "bring home the bacon," be independent and emotionally steady. If we experience even temporary challenges [...]

2408, 2022

143+ Mutton Captions and Quotes That Will Make You Hungry

By |August 24th, 2022|Categories: Specialty Food|Comments Off on 143+ Mutton Captions and Quotes That Will Make You Hungry

Mutton isn't consumed as much as it used to be. In fact, there's been a steady decline in consumption of the meat going all the way back to World War II. Experts believe it could be hard for mutton to ever make a comeback because it costs more to [...]

2308, 2022

171+ Spicy Food Captions and Quotes that Turn Up the Heat

By |August 23rd, 2022|Categories: Specialty Food|Comments Off on 171+ Spicy Food Captions and Quotes that Turn Up the Heat

A recent survey asking consumers aged 18 years and older revealed 80% of consumers enjoy eating hot and spicy food. In fact, 74% of Americans enjoy adding hot sauce to food. This year, supermarket sales for the hot sauce category went up to 5.2% worth $789.9 million. Based on the [...]

2308, 2022

89+ Powerful Personal Purpose Statement Ideas for Real Leaders

By |August 23rd, 2022|Categories: Jobs|Comments Off on 89+ Powerful Personal Purpose Statement Ideas for Real Leaders

What you aim to achieve in life can be outlined in a personal purpose statement. This statement provides guidance on the specific goals you want to achieve. This short statement could include essential ideals, aspirations, and principles reflected in it. Typically, there should just be one or two phrases in [...]

2008, 2022

145+ Powerful Healing Affirmations for Yourself and Others

By |August 20th, 2022|Categories: Jobs|Comments Off on 145+ Powerful Healing Affirmations for Yourself and Others

Life consists of good and bad days. And when bad days come, a positive affirmation can help snap us back into a positive mental space. These statements put life into a broader perspective and help recognize that this moment of pain is temporary. The sun will shine once again. [...]