In the US, there was a 600% increase in consumers who identify themselves as vegan between 2014 and 2017. The plant-based market value amounted to $4.5 billion in 2019, an 11% increase from 2018. Safe to say, there are more people who appreciate the plant-based diet today and it’s not only for their own good but for the environment too as 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions is from animal agriculture.

If you need a vegan caption or quote to post on Instagram, I’ve got some suggestions for you. In fact, I’ve got more than 225 ideas you can use. Let’s take a look.

Vegan Captions

  • These hens are my friends and will never be my food.
  • Living a happy life and just being vegan.
  • I’m vegan and I’m proud of it.
  • Want to join a vegan association I’m trying to form?
  • The vegan way of life is the best!
  • So happy to turn vegan.
  • Are you still guilty of killing animals so you won’t be hungry?
  • Animals have to be loved, not killed and eaten.
  • Eating animals is so disgusting and annoying.
  • I was never this happy since I began to be a vegan.
  • Let animals live happily.
  • If hungry, never think of animals for food. Eat fruits and veggies.
  • My every meal is a complete satisfaction since I started to be a vegan.
  • Saying grace before a vegan meal is so gratifying.
  • Never eat animals. Be kind to them.
  • Animals should enjoy their lives on earth.
  • Stopping by my favorite vegan restaurant for a hearty lunch.
  • Look how appetizing my vegan dinner is.
  • Will you believe me if I tell you that there are no animals in this meal?
  • Growing plants is very satisfying.
  • From the garden to our plates…
  • I’ll not allow anything to be hurt just so I’m fed.
  • Feeding me with fruits and vegetables is the best.
  • Waiting for these to grow and be harvested.
  • My vegetable garden has been my source of happiness.
  • Being a vegan has made me healthy, body and soul.
  • Am so proud to say that I have not eaten anything born.
  • These lovely cows should not be eaten.
  • When eating steak, have you ever thought of the pain the cattle felt when he was slaughtered?
  • I’m very happy to know that many eating joints have vegan options already.
  • Being vegan is so calming.
  • Join my vegan ways. You won’t regret it.

A basic, but delicious vegan salad.

Funny Vegan Captions

  • Our kitchen knives are never guilty of animal slaughter!
  • Hope you dream of the blood of all the animals you’ve eaten.
  • To all who have enjoyed eating pork, beef, chicken, and lamb, may you not be forgiven.
  • I can never digest animals. I’m not a graveyard.
  • Animals should never land on your plates.
  • Eggs are baby hens. Have mercy on them.
  • Be guilty if you ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.
  • Eating pork is like eating your pet dog.
  • These creatures are here to love us, so don’t ever dream of eating them.
  • Eating those that were born is showing your horns.
  • Bright minds eating animals? So disgusting!
  • I’ve not tasted blood. Have you?
  • Being vegan is a serious business. Hope all is seriously thinking to switch.
  • Have you ever thought that you’d still enter Heaven after eating that much meat?
  • The right path is the path from the garden, not the path from the piggery.
  • Have mercy on the animals that should be killed just so that your tummy will not grumble.
  • Enjoying barbeque is like putting your pet on the grill.
  • Praying that all those who love pork chop and beef stroganoff will have pity on porky and beefy.
  • These baby pigs are so cute. Pet them. Don’t kill them.
  • Be friends with animals. Don’t look at them with hungry eyes. 

Vegan Burger Captions

  • This vegan burger looks like the real thing, and tastes as good!
  • Is this really a vegan burger? I wouldn’t know.
  • Want to try my healthy but delicious vegan burger?
  • Vegan burger is the best option.
  • Always a Yes! To vegan burgers.
  • The yummiest vegan burger joint in town!
  • Why wasn’t vegan burger common during my childhood days?
  • Vegan burger and cola, the perfect match!
  • Onions, tomatoes, pickles, and mayo make this vegan burger unforgettable!
  • I can eat this every weekend!
  • Healthy and so appetizing … vegan burgers!
  • Burgers made in heaven – vegan burgers.
  • My source of happiness these days, vegan burgers!
  • Calling all vegans and burger lovers. Try this amazing vegan burger store!
  • A sumptuous meal, a fully loaded vegan burger!
  • I should get the recipe for this vegan burger.
  • This sure is a delight to the eyes and the taste buds!
  • Nothing as healthy as a vegan burger can taste more delicious.
  • My energy-giver… vegan burger.
  • Can’t help but stop and buy my favorite vegan burger.
  • A vegan burger lover forever!
  • Vegan burgers are the best!
  • The veggies in my vegan burger make it perfect!

Vegans have a lot of options.

Vegan Pizza Captions

  • This vegan pizza is truly overwhelming!
  • Vegan pizzas are really mysterious!
  • I didn’t imagine that vegan pizza would taste this good.
  • Miss you! Vegan pizza!
  • Can I please have this last vegan pizza slice?
  • Where’s the vegan pizza delivery guy?
  • I can eat vegan pizza each day and night!
  • The day is complete when I have vegan pizza.
  • Vegan pizza first, then work!

Related Reading: 99 Rebellious Name Ideas for a Vegan Business 

  • Who would think that pizza could be delicious and healthy?
  • I’d eat vegan pizza, no matter what shape it is.
  • The party will only be complete with boxes of vegan pizza.
  • Creating memories over vegan pizza.
  • Love the vibes in this vegan pizza corner!
  • My grandma would love this vegan pizza.
  • Saving the planet means eating vegan pizza!
  • My true joy – vegan pizza!
  • Only 8 slices of vegan pizza? All these are for me!
  • Have your steak. I’ll have my vegan pizza.
  • Vegan pizza for the bright and beautiful gals!
  • Only vegan pizza can make me go with you.
  • This fantastic pizza joint sells vegan pizza, at last!
  • Can’t get over the heavenly taste of vegan pizza!
  • The cream of the crop – vegan pizza!
  • Vegan pizza for the industrious us!
  • I can work overnight if there’s vegan pizza! 

Vegan Baking Captions

  • A vegan bakeshop is made in Heaven!
  • My heart belongs to this vegan bakery.
  • A vegan cake is the healthiest choice.
  • Vegan cupcakes are really irresistible!
  • Sumptuous vegan cookies for you and me.
  • Can’t recall when I had baked vegan treats that are this good!
  • This vegan bakery casts a magic spell on me!
  • My healthy option – vegan cakes!
  • Real love is in the oven … vegan cupcakes!
  • A hearty snack coming out of the oven in this vegan bakery.
  • Baking for my heart and soul in our vegan kitchen.
  • When baking vegan cakes, I am absolutely happy!
  • Vegan baking is my way of life.
  • It was the best day of my life – discovering this vegan bakery.
  • Enjoying my vegan cookies!
  • These vegan goodies are really priceless!

A basket of fresh vegetables.

Vegan Ice Cream Captions

  • Vegan ice cream is the best bet!
  • Can’t decide which vegan ice cream flavor to choose!
  • Vegan ice cream is the best invention ever!
  • Nothing tastes better and healthier than vegan ice cream!
  • Vegan ice cream everyday? Why not!
  • My best vegan ice cream.
  • Can’t live without vegan ice cream.
  • This is the best discovery I’ve ever made. This vegan ice cream joint.
  • Try turning vegan. Start with vegan ice cream.
  • You’ll surely enjoy every lick of this vegan ice cream.
  • Vegan all the way, up to the ice cream!
  • Soul-friendly vegan ice cream.
  • So delightful and so creamy, vegan ice cream is the best!
  • Can’t forget the taste of this vegan ice cream.
  • I’ll surely come back for another cone of vegan ice cream.
  • Pure heavenly delight, vegan ice cream!
  • So creamy, so vegan!
  • Wish I could buy this anywhere!
  • The planet-friendly ice cream. It sure is vegan!
  • The perfect ice cream parlor in town. Vegan ice cream parlor!
  • Celebrate life with vegan ice cream.
  • All celebrations will only be complete with vegan ice cream.
  • Happiness is just around the corner. The new vegan ice cream parlor.
  • Complete your day with vegan ice cream.
  • My wish has come true. A cup and a cone of my favorite vegan ice cream flavor.

Plant-Based Captions

  • A vegan plate makes my day extremely happy!
  • Waking up to a plant-based breakfast is incomparable!
  • Going healthy? Try going vegan!
  • What more can you ask? Isn’t this delicious? My vegan dinner.
  • Shopping in the vegan store for a healthy lunch.
  • Let’s save animals and just eat plant-based food.
  • Join the movement to save animals. Go vegan all the way.
  • Practicing vegan life… I should have started this way back when I was younger.
  • Your life depends on what you eat so go vegan.
  • Plant-based meals are the go-to meals!
  • Health conscious? Try vegan dishes now!
  • Be guilty with your every bite of meat. Go plant-based and be satisfied.
  • It surely feels so good eating only plant-based food.
  • My love for vegan meals is unstoppable.
  • Forever will I be enjoying vegan food.
  • Love time with my friends in this vegan café, surrounded by plants.
  • I really like vegetables. They make me feel so healthy.
  • Was this plant-based meal cooked in heaven’s kitchen? 

Vegan Diet Captions

  • I love this eatery because it always has a vegan diet option.
  • The best way to take the pounds away is to go on a vegan diet.
  • Healthy diet is vegan diet.
  • Thinking of losing weight but eating healthy? Go vegan.
  • Green is cool. Be cool. Eat plant-based food only.
  • Going vegan will surely change your life immensely!
  • It really feels different (in a positive way) when I turned vegan.
  • My mind and my body are now attuned to the universe since I started eating a vegan diet.

Related Reading: How I Started a $75k/Month Vegan Cookie Business with My Mom

  • I know I look better from the time I began to be a vegan.
  • Vegan diet is what all of us should eat. Look at this!
  • I care for animals so I only eat vegan. But I’m happy!
  • Don’t eat meat. Be vegan and experience extreme joy.
  • Want to be healthy and at the same time, save animals? Go vegan.
  • Only vegan meals should replenish my body. How about yours?
  • Animals should be loved and protected. Look at this cute little pig.
  • I chose to be vegan to make a difference. And I love it.

A healthy vegan dessert plate.

Vegan Quotes

  • “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.” – Joseph Poore
  • “The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.” – Hippocrates
  • “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.” – Roy E. Disney
  • “I can’t think of anything better in the world to be but a vegan.” – Alicia Silverstone
  • “If you think eating meat is just a personal choice, you are forgetting someone.” – Unknown
  • “Earth was created for all of us, not some of us.” – Anthony Douglas Williams
  • “Every living creature has the right to live ethically.” – Dirk Verbeuren
  • “Vegan is not about being perfect. It is about doing the least harm and the best.” – Unknown
  • “Saving one animal won’t change the world. But it’ll change the world for that one animal.” – Unknown
  • “The vegan lifestyle is a compassionate way to live that supports life, supports fairness and equality, and promotes freedom.” – Unknown

“Personal purity isn’t really the issue. Not supporting animal abuse – and persuading others not to support it – is.” – Unknown

  • “I’ve been a vegan for two years … I’m motivating people to do something about how we are living on this planet. We have to be about making our planet greener, and the urban areas more sustainable for the children. We can’t just talk about it, we have to be about it.” – Unknown
  • “Veganism is not a sacrifice, it’s a joy.”- Unknown
  • “When I see bacon, I see a pig, I see a little friend, and that’s why I can’t eat it. Simple as that.” – Unknown

Funny Vegan Quotes

  • “If you think that being vegan is difficult, imagine being a factory-farmed animal.” – Davegan Raza
  • “My body will not be a tomb for other creatures.” – Leonardo de Vinci
  • “Life is too short to make others shorter.” – Chris Hannah
  • “Animals are my friends. And I don’t eat my friends.” – George Bernard Shaw
  • “If you can’t stand watching it being produced, you shouldn’t be eating it.” – Unknown
  • “We all love animals. So why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner’?” – K. D. Lang
  • “’I could never go vegan’ said almost every vegan before going vegan.” – Unknown
  • “I think; therefore I’m vegan.” – Unknown
  • “Humane slaughter is an oxymoron.” – Unknown
  • “How can you eat anything with eyes?” – Unknown

“I won’t eat anything that has intelligent life, but I’d gladly eat a network executive or a politician.” – Unknown

  • “Vegan: A person who has the crazy idea that animals should not suffer.” – Unknown
  • “We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet – for the sake of hamburgers.” – Unknown
  • “You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car.” – Unknown

Vegan Kindness Quotes

  • “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “I don’t see why someone should lose their life just so you can have a snack.” – Russell Brand
  • “If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn’t we?” – Edgar’s Mission
  • “It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.” – Joaquin Phoenix

“I just can’t go on in my life knowing what’s going on in the animal world and … not doing anything about it.” – Billie Eilish

  • “Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Just because we always have doesn’t mean we always have to. Once we know better, we should choose better.” – Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
  • “I don’t need anyone to die for me to live a very happy and successful life.” – Derek Sarno
  • “No animal needs to die in order for me to live. And that makes me feel good.” – Howard Lynan
  • “If you can live happily and healthily without harming animals then why wouldn’t you?” – Unknown
  • “You can’t do anything violent humanely.” – Unknown
  • “Embrace compassion without exception.” – Unknown
  • “We don’t need to eat anyone who would run, swim, or fly away if he could.” – Unknown

Vegan Hashtags

  • #veganlifestyle
  • #plantbased
  • #veganfood
  • #veganmeals
  • #vegandishes
  • #vegancooking
  • #veganicecream
  • #vegandrinks
  • #plantsarelife
  • #vegansatisfaction
  • #veganismywayoflife
  • #forevervegan
  • #veganfever
  • #notokillinganimals
  • #organiceating
  • #veganeating
  • #eatinganimalsisbad
  • #healthyeating
  • #healthy
  • #healthyfood
  • #healthymeals
  • #healthycooking
  • #healthydiet
  • #vegandiet
  • #plantbaseddiet
  • #veganfoodporn
  • #veganpizza
  • #veganburger
  • #vegantreats
  • #veganrecipes
  • #veganbreakfast
  • #veganbrunch
  • #veganlunch
  • #vegandinner
  • #vegancommunity
  • #veganfamily

Vegan food has grown more popular in the past decades because people are seeing the benefits of eating healthy food in a world where sweet, salty snacks and processed meals are everywhere. And although there are still people who won’t go vegan, the number of people eating a vegan diet has continued to grow.

Want to start your own food business?

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