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14 08, 2015

Should Your Food Truck Accept Apple Pay?

By |2015-08-24T13:13:33+00:00August 14th, 2015|Industry News|Comments Off on Should Your Food Truck Accept Apple Pay?

EMV Payment Customer using Apple Pay to buy coffee.

The upcoming EMV shift has a lot of food truck operators reconsidering how they accept payments, with some considering doing away with accepting credit cards altogether. However, now is the perfect time to upgrade. Check […]

13 08, 2014

Propane Safety Training Webinar for Food Truckers

By |2014-08-13T03:52:34+00:00August 13th, 2014|Industry News|Comments Off on Propane Safety Training Webinar for Food Truckers

Propane Safety

Last month a surveillance camera in Philadelphia captured horrifying images of a food truck exploding around a group of customers (video below). The event ultimately killed two people, injured 11, and called into question the safety of food trucks in […]