Employees with self discipline are a valuable, but often overlooked. Employees with high degrees of self discipline don’t have a problem showing up on time and ready to work. They also don’t typically need close guidance or instruction to complete a task. They take ownership of their work and deliver high-quality work.

In this blog post, I share 101 professional employee appraisal and review phrases on the topic of self-discipline. You can use these to submit employee feedback for annual reviews or 90-day checkins.

Positive Self-Discipline Employee Review Phrases

  • Still able to complete the project ahead of time despite the many challenges that burdened her in the past month. Lucy has demonstrated an incredible level of consistency and commitment over the past 90 days.
  • Very good at controlling his emotions during meeting with varying viewpoints and perspectives. Jake always listens to both sides of the story before providing feedback and is open to outside perspectives.
  • Each day Larry comes into work on time. Larry shows an extreme level of self discipline to come into work and has only used two sick days all year long.
  • Brad has the willpower to accomplish any goal in the workplace or beyond.
  • Tim is able to regulate emotions throughout the most intense sales process. Each days there are wins and losses. Tim willfully leads the group to meet the company’s objectives even when distractions arise.
  • The employee can be relied on to do tasks with utmost precision. I trust this employee to project manage the entire program while I am out.
  • Has the mindset to complete work superiors can be proud of. The employee doesn’t send out low quality work. All work is thoroughly checked and double checked before being sent.

Lacy has create daily routine that enables her to close more deals than anyone else in the organization. This morning process includes waking up before 6 a.m. to work out, conduct 15 minutes of journaling, and review daily goals.

  • Pat has an unmatched ability to stay focused on the job. Pat has an uncanny ability to be able to shutout all the distractions and complete tasks at a rapid pace.
  • Ted does not participate in office gossip or waste time clicking around on social media without goal. Ted follows the rules of the employee handbook closely and hardly ever strays.
  • Disciplined to never be late for work even if she lives far from the office.
  • Considers time as the most precious company resource. The employee uses a firm hand when managing their schedule.
  • Has a strong work ethic. The employee has a routine that works for them and clearly gets results.
  • The employee is decisive and doesn’t require ongoing instruction on what to do next. They are extremely good at working independently.
  • Never stops learning. This customer completed a time management course and always updates their calendar.
  • Adam is a talented chef at our restaurant. Adam has eye for detail and takes great pride in his work. Customers always remark at how beautiful and consistent the plates are. Nothing leaves the kitchen without being expertly reviewed by Adam.
  • Knows that education is very important in a person; strived to complete his studies even while working. This employee is committed to ongoing learning.

Steven is focused on meeting evaluation targets on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis. As a quality assurance profession, attention to detail is so important.

  • Views mistakes as a learning and growth opportunity. The employee is able to see the bigger picture goals and sticks with them.
  • Not everyone can handle a 6-day work week. It takes someone with a real commitment to the organization to be able to work so much. We appreciate your dedication.
  • Measures the progress of his team in accomplishing objectives set. Actionable milestones and tracking is always an emphasis with this employee.
  • Leads the group effectively so that everyone will work efficiently.
  • Comes to work with a positive outlook despite hardships encountered.
  • Motivates others in the office to strive to work well.
  • Will can regulate emotions in 50+ hour work weeks. The employee leads the group to meet the company’s objectives no matter what challenges present themselves.
  • Is a strong advocate of work-life balance but has no problems meeting objectives.
  • Encourages his teammates to check their work prior to submission so as not to waste company resources.
  • John is a reliable and dedicated waiter at our restaurant. He always arrives on time and provides excellent customer service. He is friendly and attentive to the needs of our customers, always greeting them with a smile.
  • Knows how to handle stressful situations well.
  • Makes meetings efficient by preparing the agenda ahead of time and letting the attendees know what is expected of them.
  • Lists down what he should do in a day and tries to accomplish everything.
  • Communicates an employee’s performance review clearly by explaining standards and how values were computed.
  • Maria is a model accountant. She has an in-depth knowledge of financial regulations and is meticulous in work. She is organized, thorough, and always finishes her tasks within the allotted time frame. Maria also provides helpful advice to her colleagues and assists with the most complex financial matters.
  • Tries his best not to be discouraged; looks at problems positively.

An HR professional offering feedback.

Needs Improvement Self Discipline Employee Review Comments

  • Can’t always control her emotions when other employees are against what she believes.
  • Is easily fazed by office rumor. Next year, focus your time and energy on work projects instead of gossip.
  • The employee does not reach out for help when needed. This lack of action can stall projects and slow the entire department down. Reach out for help when needed. Everyone needs a hand from time to time.
  • Gets distracted at once by unexpected circumstances, especially problems related to his family. Try to leave personal issues at home and don’t bring them to work. We understand that this is easier said than done.

The employee missed five deadlines last year. This let down various levels of management and also customers. The employee was written up for this. Let us know how we can help you meet deadlines next year.

  • Blames the traffic most of the time when coming late for work. Try waking up earlier and planning ahead. Also, utilizing a ride sharing app could help you avoid getting lost.
  • Gets discouraged easily when co-workers bring out errors in her reports. Learn to accept feedback.
  • Speed is extremely important in a fast-food restaurant like ours. Find ways to streamline your cooking process by following the employee process guidelines. These procedures will help you work smarter not harder.
  • Is often easily sidetracked by unforeseen situations like problems with suppliers. We recommend creating a daily checklist of things to do so you stay focused on the bigger picture.
  • Cannot always concentrate on the real issue on hand; cannot stay focused on the real problem and in identifying its cause and the right solution to it.
  • Becomes rattled at once when problems arise because he often does not feel confident enough to handle any problem.
  • Most of the time does not know how to be proactive; cannot foresee what could happen in the future, hence, unable to stop problems from happening.
  • Sharon is a caretaker. While she is caring and attentive with the children in her care, she could benefit from proactively making play areas safer. Sharon should work to be more mindful of enforcing rules that are outlined in the employee handbook.
  • Peter could improve communication by regularly providing updates on how the children are doing throughout the day.
  • Sometimes, is not able to do what should be done first; does not know how to do a good “to-do” list.
  • At times, does not know how to prioritize important work.
  • Can’t always accept positive criticism from her co-workers.

Related Reading: 158+ Honesty & Integrity Comments for Performance Reviews 

  • Oftentimes, feels low when others suggest ideas on matters she handles.
  • Blames teammates most of the time for failures instead of being responsible for the outcome of her work.
  • Sometimes, brings to the office her daughter’s homework, thus wasting company time and resources.
  • Does not always consider the company’s rules and regulations with regard to the use of supplies.
  • Is not often disciplined enough to set her own goals concerning her work.
  • Sometimes, talks unnecessarily during meetings especially when distracted.

Uses his position for personal gains at times. In more than one occasion Brian has taken tables from other servers that wasn’t in their zone.

  • Leslie could also benefit from being more proactive in helping other waiters. Some ways to help include cleaning tables, refiling beverages, and helping carry food to tables. With some improvement, Leslie can become a better waiter.
  • Most of the time does not control her group so that all will work with one common goal.
  • Focuses on what is irrelevant sometimes, hence, fails to consider what needs immediate action.
  • Not always able to clearly communicate to her subordinates their performance appraisal.
  • Sarah has strong cooking skills, but could use improvement on plating. Customers eat with their eyes before they eat with their mouths. This is critical for a fine-dining establishment like the Regal Steak House.
  • Lets mistakes overpower and ruin the day instead of using mistakes as an opportunity to learn something new.
  • Is unable to set realistic goals in her life and in her work. Let’s work together this year to build a plan that is attainable.
  • At times, looks at the negative side of things; so pessimistic that she influences her team negatively, too. Be careful about the comments you share with coworkers.

Positive Sense of Duty Employee Review Phrases

  • Knows how to handle her work well and what to do when problems arise.
  • Remains positive even under pressure and in front of adversities.
  • Has a daily list of tasks she has to do to be able to monitor her progress.

Ryan is willing to go the extra mile when needed and he does not complain or hesitate to help the company. John is an asset to our team and performs duties with enthusiasm and joy.

  • Very willing to assist her co-workers with problems that adversely affect their work.
  • A person capable to accomplish unexpected tasks. The employee has a sense of duty that is unmatched by anyone else I’ve ever worked with.
  • You can tell Lucy used to work in the military. She values character traits like duty above all else. We are very fortunate to have her on our team.
  • Loyalty is a trait that’s often referenced in corporate culture. But loyalty must work both ways between the worker and company. In this case, I think both parties show equal respect for each other.
  • Communicates to her team what the company objectives are so that everyone can stay aligned.
  • Prevents the wastage of any company resource, be it supplies, equipment, or time.
  • Comes to meetings ahead of time and is always prepared.
  • I never hesitate to compliment Dave on his duty. Dave doesn’t ever hesitate to help the company in any way he can.
  • Is proactive and is always suggesting new measures for the good of the company.
  • Takes the initiative to listen to co-employees who have problems regarding their work and is willing to help solve these problems.
  • This employed is dedicated and dutifully serves the company with pride. I’m proud to work alongside them every day.
  • Manages her time well by doing what should be prioritized.
  • Is able to define what is important in her work to be able to also help others.
  • Creates a happy work atmosphere in the office where everyone is motivated.
  • Is always ready to give a helping hand to new employees.
  • Not ashamed to ask so that mistakes can be prevented.
  • Strong and always ready to voice out her opinions on matters that may affect the company.
  • Uses her mistakes to educate herself.
  • Volunteers to do work other than those assigned to him.
  • Can attend meetings with other departments even if her supervisor is not with her.
  • Fully equipped with the knowledge that comes with her job.
  • Puts her work first before anything else.
  • Can be relied on even after office hours when problems crop up.
  • Explains in detail matters that some find difficult to understand.
  • Knows her work and its consequences like the palm of her hand.
  • Makes good judgment during the work week. The employee is talented, eager to serve, and takes responsibilities seriously.
  • Can work alone with no supervision needed. This is a huge benefit to management knowing that we have someone in the role we can trust.
  • Very reliable and dependable in every situation. I am impressed at how the employee can handle themselves in all sorts of situations from board room meetings to happy hour with the team.
  • Accepts the consequences of his actions and isn’t afraid to take calculated risks. I really respect that the employee seems fearless and is willing to go for it.
  • Truly respectable and also shows respect to co-workers.
  • Always comes to work on time and is prepared to tackle whatever issues come her way.

Model employees who have positive reviews

Needs Improvement Sense of Duty Employee Review Comments

  • Does not know the entire details of her work. I encourage the employee to connect with top performers in the company to see how they plan their day and track projects.
  • Cannot always assess the pros and cons of alternative actions related to the job. When in doubt, I encourage you to ask for feedback and collaborate.
  • Unable to view his role in the company as something important in the organization. I encourage you to reflect on your sense of duty.
  • Most of the time, incapable of troubleshooting in the workplace.
  • With little sense of responsibility for actions that may affect the company’s values.
  • Does not know the company’s mission and vision 100% by heart.
  • Often fails to interpret criticism in a positive way. Accepting feedback is one of the duties that we value in this company.
  • More often than not, accepts downfall as is; does not have the will to overcome difficulties in most situations.
  • Needs support from their supervisor to do her tasks well most of the time. I encourage you to be more resilient in the new year.
  • Should work under strict supervision to fulfill her duties.
  • Does not always give clear directions to the team. Employee shows deference to their duties.
  • Does not always consider her co-workers as people who can help her in times of trouble.
  • Is sometimes incapable of committing to deadlines.

At times, comes to meetings unprepared. The employee does not respect the process and procedures for communicating in meetings.

  • Does presentation materials that have not been thoroughly checked or verified.
  • Answers queries regarding his work vaguely. Work to provide more clear answers next year.
  • Becomes stressed when higher-ups question her tasks. Don’t take interest in a project personally.
  • Is unable to always comply with the company’s rules and regulations.
  • Submits unfinished reports often.
  • Is not 100% supportive of his team’s efforts in fulfilling the company’s objectives.
  • Seldom does she know what her job entails. Needs to develop a greater sense of duty about personal responsibility.
  • Not often willing to go the extra mile to help co-workers in their job. I don’t have faith the employee will turn things around.
  • Easily distracted most of the time when it comes to doing her very own tasks.
  • Does not know the ins and outs of her work. Needs to take personal responsibility in learning a new skill.
  • Cannot always provide a thorough update regarding their team’s output.
  • Unable to measure her work progress because she doesn’t always have set goals.
  • Can anticipate issues that may arise in her workplace sometimes only.
  • Makes little effort to know and understand the outputs of the other groups to which her work is connected.
  • Sometimes, leaves unfinished work at the end of the day. Doesn’t think about this action impacts the team.
  • Stays at meetings just to have snacks most of the time.
  • Does not often contribute to achieving targets.
  • Does not always see the need to educate herself more even if it is needed in her job.
  • Sometimes, stays late in the office to do personal tasks using office supplies.
  • Meets with customers unprepared most of the time. There’s no sense of true responsibility.

Positive Punctuality Employee Review Phrases

  • Punctual with deliverables.
  • Has a strong attendance record.
  • Never comes late even in meetings.
  • Submits accurate reports ahead of time.
  • Never late in work submissions.
  • Comes ahead of the others, especially when there’s a need to prepare for a meeting or a conference
  • Always on time for her job.
  • Makes the most of her time in the office completing her tasks.
  • Submits projects always before due dates and with no mistakes.
  • Especially punctual when issues remain unresolved.
  • Helps co-workers to submit team projects on time.

Related Reading: 105+ Employee Review Phrases on Accountability / Ownership 

  • Prepares all necessary reports for meetings ahead of time.
  • Runs meetings on schedule.
  • Meets expectations when it comes to meeting outputs.
  • Emails meeting agenda so everyone concerned would be aware of the topics to be discussed, and come to the meeting prepared.
  • Knows how to prioritize her work and stays late in the office if needed.
  • Sets a good example for his team by coming early and leaving last.
  • Ensures that all employees follow the company’s rules and regulations on time breaks.
  • Does not take unnecessary leaves (vacation or sick leaves).
  • Attends to the meeting schedule on time.
  • Punctual in preparing the best presentation materials for meetings.
  • Replies to emails at once.
  • Gives complete answers to emails of co-workers. The employee always responds within 24 hours, which is in-line with expectations.
  • Does not leave the office when problems are still unresolved.
  • Follows the protocol on attendance and leaves.

Needs Improvement Punctuality Comments

  • Spends lunch break ahead of his co-workers sometimes or goes back to his post later than them
  • Comes to work most of the time late, blaming the traffic.
  • Criticizes people who are late at work but more often than not, does not care if she does not submit reports on time.
  • Submits projects later than the due date often.
  • Lacks in the initiative to motivate her team to be 100% punctual in submitting reports or projects.
  • Clocks in late most of the days of the week and leaves on the dot.
  • Does not prepare for meetings usually; goes to meetings with little knowledge of what is to be discussed.
  • Cannot preside over meetings since he is often late when attending meetings or conferences.
  • Not always punctual in informing others of meeting agenda.
  • In most cases, does not reply to emails immediately.
  • Does not show the need to be always punctual in answering queries of customers.
  • Cannot often control the flow of meetings, hence his meetings usually end much later than the set time.
  • Fails to instill in the minds of his team members the importance of punctuality in the office, hence most of his teammates come to work also late.
  • Comes to work on time, at times, but does personal tasks and not office work.
  • Comes to work frequently unprepared.
  • Punctuality has been her issue from the start of her term.
  • Does not meet company standards on punctuality.
  • Should stress to her group that lunch breaks have to be followed.
  • The employee did not schedule his vacation through the HR platform and left in advance of a decision. This is unacceptable behavior and has major implications on the team.
  • Not reliable when it comes to punctuality. The employee regularly misses meetings and deadlines. This year, we need you to focus on follow through and commitment.
  • Can’t be an example of how punctual an employee should be.
  • Clocks in late several days a week, thus affecting her performance.
  • Lacks proper time management skills. I suggest checking out a book from the company library on the subject of time management. Any of the books on this subject will help you develop the skills needed for the job.

How do you measure self-discipline with employees?

Self-discipline is a valuable trait to hire for and encourage at work. But how can self-discipline be measured or quantified in the workplace? Here are a few ways to evaluate this trait.

  • Personal hygiene. A person who ensures that he remains healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually shows discipline. A professional appearance is one way that you can identify if an employee has a certain level of discipline to shower and care for themselves. Obviously, you never to evaluate looks based on age, race, or sex. But personal hygiene and professional dress code are things that can be considered.
  • Demonstrates responsibility over time. Responsibility can be tested when difficulties arise in the workplace. Those with self-discipline stand out in seeing that the problems be solved, and in case of mistakes or failures are responsible enough to admit their wrongdoings, and propose solutions to prevent them from happening again. Employees with self-discipline always abide by the company’s rules and regulations. They always come to work ahead of time or on time. They submit reports or projects without delays, and they assure that these are thoroughly checked, with no errors, even minute ones. How employees deal with top management, their co-workers, colleagues or even those they do not work with can attest to how disciplined they are.
  • Is persistent to finish even the hardest work – Self-disciplined employees do not easily give up. They go all out of their way to complete the tasks assigned to them in the fastest time possible despite the odds and the circumstances. Look for employees that finish reports on time. Look for those that do and not just talk about doing.

High-rank officers evaluating employees

Why is self-discipline so important in the workplace?

There are many reasons why self-discipline is important in the workplace. Below are some of them:

  • It ensures that the set rules and regulations of the company are followed.
  • It helps achieve the targets and objectives of the business since employees with self-discipline will persist to meet goals no matter what obstacles come their way.
  • It paves the way to productivity, high revenues, and profits are given when company goals are achieved and, in all probability, surpassed.
  • People that work hard and crush goals attract other employees that do the same.

Of course self-discipline is only one quality of a well rounded employee. The best employees understand clear communication, listening, and have mastered skillsets applicable to their role within a company.

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