Thanksgiving is a time of celebration to give thanks to the people around us and the blessings we receive. It was first celebrated in 1621 over a three-day harvest festival. Since then, it has become a national holiday celebrated by millions of households in the United States. There are also similar celebrations in Canada, Saint Lucia, Grenada, and Liberia held on different dates.

During this time, 96% of Americans gather for a feast to celebrate Thanksgiving that traditionally includes turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. According to a report, 280 million turkeys are sold for Thanksgiving day.

We can show our gratitude in many ways but one simple thing we can do is by sending them a short message on Thanksgiving. You can write it as a simple thank you note, email or even text message. Here’s a list of unforgettable thanksgiving messages you can use this year.

Thanksgiving Messages for Friends

Give thanks for good friends.

  • Thank you for being my rock as I go through this challenging time in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You guys have always been there when I needed someone to talk to or be with and I will forever be grateful for that. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Happy Friendsgiving to all my besties!
  • Thank you for existing. You don’t know how much I appreciate everything you do for our friendship. You are one of the few people I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving.
  • You bring light to the people you love. I appreciate you and our friendship. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • You always give more than you receive. I wish that this Thanksgiving, you get more blessings because you deserve it.
  • Friendship is a gift that everyone deserves to experience. Happy Thanksgiving!

You have a heart of gold and you deserve nothing less than the best in life. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Continue being a blessing to everyone in your life.

  • I hope you celebrate Thanksgiving with the people who value you as much as you value them. Happy Thanksgiving! You’re an angel!
  • Keeping being who you are and showing people that kindness goes a long way! I’m lucky to call you my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • My Friendsgiving turkey prepared by me.
  • You know I got you and I know you got me. We’re two peas in a pod and we’ll always be friends. Just know that I am always thankful and lucky to have you! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Friendsgiving is the time my friends and I get together.
  • I don’t care if I don’t meet new friends anymore. You are more than enough and this friendship will never end. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • You’ve helped in me in so many ways. I appreciate you and I love you! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You’re not just a friend. To me, you are family. Thank you for everything! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving when you’re back so I can show you how much I want to thank you for the years you’ve been by my side!

  • I can’t forget the times you held me up when I was feeling down. And I can’t thank you enough for all the others things you did for me. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a good one with your family!
  • Wishing you all the good things in life. You deserve them. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I want to tell you how lucky and thankful I am to be your friend. You literally have been there since the beginning. I hope you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!

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  • Please always be my friend forever. I love you and thank you for the small things you do for me. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • You’re my best friend and I pray that you be blessed with all things great in life, both in your career and health. Eat lots of food and enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving with your parents!
  • You’re stuck with me forever! I know I don’t say this often but I am grateful for you, your whole existence. Enjoy a happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to the best friend anyone could ever have! You are my life and my rock. You’ve helped me through so many highs and lows and I’ll never ask for anyone else. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Hoping that your day will be full of love and hugs from your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Take this time to relax and enjoy time with your family. You deserve it! Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • Know that I cherish you and our friendship very much and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I pray that you spend this day with your family and eat lots of good food. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • My heart is full of gratitude to spend so many years making good memories and amazing adventures with you! I hope that you take the time to relax and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

I am making an effort to make you feel how grateful I am to be your friend. I appreciate our friendship so much and it has given me the hope and strength I need in life. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • You’ve always been a call away and I can’t thank you enough for that. I wish that you will be blessed with good health and happy times with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Continue being yourself because you are the perfect friend anyone could ever have. Thank you for the years of fun, laughter and great memories. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated during pumpkin season too.

Emotional Thanksgiving Messages for Friends

  • I can’t imagine life without a friend like you. You’ve been there for me through ups and downs and never judged me when I was going through a bad turmoil in my life. You were always by my side and ready to listen. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have a friend like you. You deserve the best in life. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You’ve always prioritized other people before you and I know it’s normal to you but I hope you think of yourself first, for once. Stop giving people too many chances to hurt you. Not everyone is good and you know that. I love you and I hope you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!
  • We are soul sisters and I couldn’t imagine someone else to be with me in this life, growing up as teenagers and now that we’re young adults, discovering life and going through challenges together. You are strong and kind and you have a heart of an angel. You are my angel. Happy Thanksgiving! Can’t believe you’re my friend!

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  • You were more than just a friend. You were family. You treated me as your own sister, invited me to your home on special occasions and celebrated milestones with me. I will forever be grateful for having a friend like you. Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving and I wish you all the best in life!
  • Nothing could keep us apart. We always did everything together and even went to prom together as our own dates. I loved every celebration I had with you and you always made me feel like I could do anything. You always believed in me and for that I will always be grateful. Thank you for being yourself and I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving celebration with your family.
  • They say that friends are family you can choose and I know that I made the right choice as I found the best friend anyone could ever have. I can’t wait for our future adventures and I am so glad to have you in my life. Enjoy Thanksgiving! Always remember that I appreciate you and all you do!
  • You saved my life in ways you didn’t know. By simply being there when I called, visiting me when I needed someone to talk to. You’re my hero and I am thankful for having you as my friend. Happy Thanksgiving! May you be blessed with more.
  • We started out as enemies but eventually became the best of friends. You were the best person in my life. You’ve always supported me in all that I want to do and I want to know that I appreciate you and thank you for everything. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!
  • You know me more than anyone else in the world and I hope you know how grateful I am to be friends with you through these years. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Thanksgiving Quotes about Friends

  • “Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” – Anonymous
  • “Isn’t it lovely to, once in a while, feel small in the presence of your friend? Awed. Fortunate to experience the nearness that calls upon space.” – Durga Chew-Bose
  • “Let us pause and appreciate the people who make a difference in our lives!” – Anonymous
  • “I’m so thankful for friendship. It beautifies life so much.” – LM Montgomery

“Let us be grateful for the people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

  • “Here’s to a day of giving thanks and making beautiful memories with the most important people in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving.” – Anonymous
  • “Be consistent in your dedication to showing your gratitude towards others. Gratitude is a fuel, a medicine, and spiritual and emotion nourishment.” – Steve Maraboli

Thanksgiving is not complete with a few drinks to enjoy with family.

Thanksgiving Wishes to Friends

  • I wish you nothing but good health, happiness, and success in life. You deserve it and you are always in my heart during this special occasion. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Hoping that you and your family enjoy a wonderful celebration this Thanksgiving. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • To my wonderful friend, you’ve always been the rock and strength in my life and I appreciate you so much. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving with the ones dear to your heart. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • My heart is full of gratitude for all the things you’ve done for me. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Our friendship is one of the most important things I treasure in this life. Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • You’re the best friend anyone could ever have. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I’m sure you’re ready to devour everything this Thanksgiving. Enjoy the good food and happy Thanksgiving!
  • I don’t say this often but I am thankful that you are my friend. Let’s make more memories together! Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • You’ve always been vocal about how thankful you are for our friendship and I feel the same way. I can’t see myself being best friends with anybody else but you. You’re the best! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • I am most grateful for having you in my life! You’re my best friend forever! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You know I always let you eat my favorite chocolate because you’re my best friend, right? It is me showing how grateful I am to you. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You’re a reminder that there are good people out there who truly cares about me and my well-being. I appreciate you more than words can say. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • We don’t talk every day but I hope you know that I am thankful for you as a person and as my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • We’ve been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows but I know and I’m sure this friendship will grow even more in the years to come. Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!
  • We may be worlds apart but you know I am just a zoom call away. Thanks for being my friend and know that I am always here when you need me. Happy Thanksgiving!

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  • I look forward to the day we are in the same country again and we can take long walks and eat good food. Happy Thanksgiving! I appreciate you and our friendship so much.
  • We’ve been friends for decades but I know I don’t always express how thankful I am for being you. Thank you and I hope you know that you are one of the most precious human beings I’ve ever met. Grateful to call you my friend. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I wouldn’t be this fun in life without you – my best friend. Thank you for being my rock and human shield from hate and depression. I owe the world to you. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I hope you spend this time well with your family! You deserve a break for all your hard work. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Keep being yourself because that’s what makes everyone like you! Thank you for being a friend and a good one at that. Enjoy a happy thanksgiving with your family!
  • My colleagues, I am extremely grateful for each moment I spend with you. You make the difficult times easy. You change dark days to sunny ones. You make me laugh and be thankful for all. A Happy Thanksgiving Day to you, my friends.
  • To my doctor, thank you for always responding immediately to my text messages. You always lessen my fear. Thank you for making me strong, alive and kicking. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • Wishing all my cousins a blessed Thanksgiving Day! Thank you for all the food and laughter we have shared.
  • My loving grandparents, thank you for your unselfish love. You have made sacrifices not only for my parents but also for us, your grandchildren. May this Thanksgiving Day be a truly blessed one for you!
  • Sending love across the miles. Thank you for your encouraging words. Wishing you all the best this Thanksgiving Day!
  • With this turkey I thank thee. Make this Thanksgiving Day a memorable one.
  • To the most glorious boss I have ever had, thank you for motivating me! Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • I wish to express my appreciation for the comfort you have extended to us. May this Thanksgiving Day be a blessed one for you.
  • I sincerely thank you for all of your help. Nothing can compare to the sacrifices you have made for us. A memorable Thanksgiving Day celebration to you and your family.
  • Thank you for your prayers. They helped me get well at once. May the Lord fill you with happiness this Thanksgiving Day!
  • Our friendship has stood the test of time. Thank you for being with me always. Happy Thanksgiving Day, my friend!
  • I want to take this chance to thank all of those who have helped me grow! A blessed Thanksgiving Day to all!

Thanksgiving Messages for Friends and Family

  • I am lucky to call you my family. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Family is forever and I am happy to have been surrounded by wonderful people. Have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration!
  • I love you guys and I appreciate you. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • It’s life’s simple joys to spend days with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • With you in my life, there’s nothing else I will need, just friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • May you be forever blessed with good health and unending blessings. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!
  • Praying that you guys will remain in my life forever. Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • You’ve never let me down and I will always thank you for that. Happy Thanksgiving!

There’s no way I will let go of this friendship. Grateful to have you in my life. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!

  • I couldn’t have asked for better parents who showed me what true love looks like. Thank you for being you and I love you both! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for all that you’ve done for me. I will live my life forever grateful for the time we’ve spent together. Enjoy Thanksgiving!
  • I can’t thank you enough for being part of my life. I pray that you will be blessed with all the good things in this world. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • You know I am thankful that you’re my friend but I want to take this opportunity to tell you that my life will never be the same if you didn’t become my friend and for that, I am forever grateful to you. May you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!
  • I can’t express enough how lucky I am to have you as my mom and I’ll make sure to give back the love and care you’ve given me through the years. I hope I make you proud. Thank you for everything and happy Thanksgiving!
  • To my friends who have been so broadminded and always willing to understand my moods, I am very thankful. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

To my closest friends at work, you have helped me to easily accept the change in our workplace and the long travel time from home. May this Thanksgiving Day be a joyful one for all of you!

  • Friends who are dear to me, with my whole heart I thank you for being so understanding and always available to lend an ear. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • My life would have been so miserable were it not for my close friends who make every moment fun! Here’s to a memorable Thanksgiving Day to all!
  • Waking up and knowing that I have a happy family, blessed with all our needs, I truly thank God, the Almighty. Happy Thanksgiving Day to me!
  • Relatives are those we run to when we need help. Thank you for your presence, my cousins. Cheers & and may you have a glorious Thanksgiving Day celebration!
  • Forever thankful for the joy you bring to my life. Even if you’re not near, I can feel your presence. Happy Thanksgiving Day, my friend!

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  • For all the love, hardships and sacrifices you have made, I will never forget you. Even if you’re not anymore here, I will always love you. Happy Thanksgiving Day in Heaven!
  • This pandemic, you have made life less miserable. You bring smiles to us each day. Thank you, our dear Nala. Happy Thanksgiving Dog-Day!
  • To all my friends who know my deepest secrets, I will always treasure you. Thank you for being there for me. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • For my teachers, thank you for your guidance. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!

To my beautiful daughter, thank you for making life worth living. May you find your true happiness this Thanksgiving Day!

  • To our dear neighbors, thank you for rushing to our aid. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • May you be surrounded always by people you love and care for. May this Thanksgiving Day be a memorable one for you!
  • To my son’s teachers, thank you for guiding him to be a responsible person. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • My friends, may this Thanksgiving Day be filled with happiness and warmth!
  • Even before we celebrate Christmas, let us first be thankful to all those who made our lives meaningful. Thank you so much. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • Be happy and sober this Thanksgiving Day! Cheers to all!
  • Thank you, my dear friends, for your support. Let us make this Thanksgiving Day a truly memorable one!
  • Sending virtual hugs and kisses to the brightest group of friends I ever had. Virtual mugs of beer, too, coming your way. A toast to a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Just to show how much I appreciate your presence in my life, I am sending this roasted turkey and bottles of wine. Happy Turkey Day!

  • We were really meant to cross paths. We were really destined to meet. Thank you for all you have done for me. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • No words are needed when we communicate! Thank you and may you feel doubly blessed this Thanksgiving Day!
  • You always find time for me. May you find time for yourself, too. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • To the most generous person I know, thank you very much. Happy Turkey Day!
  • For all the sacrifices you have made for us, I am forever thankful. May you have a meaningful Thanksgiving Day!
  • May this Thanksgiving Day be a memorable one for my friends who have always been supportive of all my undertakings.
  • To our clients, thank you for your continuous support for our homemade products. Wishing you the best Thanksgiving Day you have ever had!
  • Thank you for believing in me! May you have the best this Thanksgiving Day!
  • For my relatives who have supported me during my times of trouble, thank you and may this Thanksgiving Day be a blessed one for you!
  • To all the doctors who helped me become well, thank you so much. Forever will I be grateful. A blessed Thanksgiving Day to you!
  • To my professors, your teachings and kind words have helped me a lot. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • To my closest cousin who is only a chat away, Happy Thanksgiving Day!

I don’t need the riches in this world since I have you. You make my life complete. Have a glorious Thanksgiving Day!

  • When I reflect upon the good things that have happened in my life, only one person appears in my mind and it’s no one else but you. Thanks a lot! Happy Thanksgiving Day, my love!
  • To my boss who is never tired of listening to my grunts and complaints, thank you very much. May this Thanksgiving Day be one you’ll never forget!
  • Forever grateful for your sacrifices, for the times you have patiently taught me how to solve math problems and analyze chemistry. My friend, I cannot imagine the world without you. Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving Day celebration with your family.
  • You do not say things just to please me. You correct me when I am wrong. You have helped me change and become a better person. Thank you and may this Thanksgiving Day be a memorable one for you and your family.
  • To the suppliers who have made our business this great, thank you. Happy Thanksgiving wishes!

Prepare a beautiful table setting for Thanksgiving dinner.

Religious Thanksgiving Messages

  • May the loving God bless you will all your heart’s desires. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • We were born to share love and happiness to other people. Let’s do more to make the world a beautiful place. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Praying that God answers your prayers and continues to bless your life. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • It’s the season to look back at how far we’ve come and be grateful for all the blessings He has given us. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Give thanks to the Lord even for the smallest blessings you receive. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Keep your faith and use it to help others in need. We were born to be of service to others and we should be grateful for this chance to help people in this world. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • The Lord blesses us every day of our lives, it’s time that we give back the gratitude. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving this season!
  • Let us praise the Lord for the endless blessing that is coming our way and repay by doing wonderful things to others. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Always give thanks to the Lord because all these blessings are from Him and provided by Him only. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • We are receiving abundant blessings thanks to the Lord. It’s time we say our gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is the time to express your gratitude towards your family and loved ones.

Thanksgiving Quotes that Express Gratitude

  • “The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continuously surround us.” – James E. Faust
  • “Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” – Maya Angelou
  • “We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what may be the burden of our wants, or the special subject of our petitions.” – Albert Barnes

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

  • “Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.” – Henry Van Dye
  • “Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation.” – John Ortberg
  • “Thanksgiving is the joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude.” – Amy Leigh Mercree
  • “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others.” – Dalai Lama
  • “A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude.” – Bruce Wilkinson
  • “Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool to shift your attention on the things you don’t have to the things you do have and this alone will make you feel better.” – Anonymous

“Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on things that matter most in life.” – Danielle Duckery

  • “No one has ever become poor from giving.” – Anonymous
  • “One of the best things of Thanksgiving is wishing all my friends and family a happy and healthy holiday season.” – Anonymous
  • “Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.” – William Faulkner
  • “Gratitude is the closest thing to beauty manifested in an emotion.” – Mindy Kailing

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch heaven.” – Johannes A. Gaertner

  • “Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone’s fairytale.” – Wale Ayeni
  • “Thanksgiving Day is the perfect day to share the love and companionship of friends and family at the Thanksgiving table.” – Cheryl Leonard
  • “Be thankful for the blessings of the little things even when you don’t get what you expect.” – Victoria Osteen

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