In this Food Truck Empire exclusive, Linda Jo Kushner of Linda’s Luncheonette opens up about how she successfully raised $20,265 on Kickstarter to bring her dream of owning a food truck to life. Linda’s story is a testament to the power of personal connection and grassroots marketing.

For those unfamiliar with the website, KickStarter is a crowdsourcing website that allows users to vote with their pocket books on creative projects they feel could be worthwhile or personally connect with. Funding for numerous food trucks have already been raised through KickStarter along with thousands of other projects that range from comic books to cookbooks.


Linda’s Luncheonette Food Truck.

The Backstory

Linda wasn’t your typical food truck entrepreneur. She had spent years working as an interior designer, building a solid network of clients, friends, and family along the way. When she decided it was time for a midlife career change, she turned to this network for support. Linda wrote a heartfelt email detailing her vision of launching a food truck and candidly shared her journey of wanting to change careers to pursue her passion for cooking. “I just put it all out there,” Linda says. “I told them about my dream and how much it would mean to me. I was honest about being scared, but I was even more excited about finally doing something I loved.”

Linda asked everyone she knew to not only consider donating to her Kickstarter campaign but also to help spread the word by forwarding her email to ten more people. This simple yet effective strategy expanded her reach far beyond her immediate circle. To further connect with potential backers, Linda created a video that showcased her personality and enthusiasm. She offered unique rewards like Linda’s Luncheonette t-shirts, branded lunch boxes, and coupons for a free lunch in the future—small tokens of appreciation that added a personal touch.

wrap mockup of food truck

Linda included a mockup of her food truck design on her crowdfunding page.

The Fundraising Process

If you’re looking to replicate Linda’s success, here’s a detailed outline based on her approach in the podcast:

  1. Tap into Your Personal Network: Begin by reaching out to friends, family, and colleagues who already know and trust you. These are the people who are most likely to support your vision and be enthusiastic about helping you succeed. Make a comprehensive list of contacts, including those you may not have spoken to in a while. Every connection counts.
  2. Craft a Personal Story: Your story is your most powerful tool. Write an email or create a video that clearly articulates your journey, your passion, and your vision for your food truck. Be authentic and transparent about why this project is important to you and what it means for your future. Share your challenges and your hopes—people are more likely to connect with you emotionally if they understand the stakes.
  3. Encourage Sharing: To expand your reach, ask your contacts to forward your message to others who might be interested in supporting your campaign. Provide them with a simple call to action, like sharing your email or social media posts with ten friends. This word-of-mouth strategy can significantly broaden your audience, tapping into networks you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.
  4. Offer Meaningful Rewards: Think carefully about the rewards you offer to your backers. Choose items that reflect your brand and have personal significance. For instance, branded merchandise, like t-shirts or lunch boxes, can create a sense of community among your supporters. Offering future discounts or coupons for a free lunch can also encourage repeat business and build anticipation for your launch.
  5. Stay Engaged and Communicate Frequently: Throughout your campaign, keep your backers updated on your progress. Share milestones, thank your supporters, and make them feel like they’re part of your journey. Regular communication helps maintain momentum and shows your backers that their contributions are making a real difference. Consider using social media updates, email newsletters, and behind-the-scenes videos to keep your audience engaged and excited.
  6. Leverage Social Media and Online Platforms: Beyond email, use social media platforms to share your story and campaign. Engage with your audience by posting updates, sharing personal anecdotes, and responding to comments. Use these platforms to create a sense of community and build excitement around your food truck journey. The more visible and active you are, the more likely people are to support your campaign.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling campaign that not only raises funds but also builds a community around your food truck dream. Just like Linda, putting yourself out there can open the door to incredible opportunities.

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Why KickStarter is such an incredible opportunity for aspiring food cart entrepreneurs.
  • How Linda Jo Kushner acquired over $20,000 in funding in less than 30 days.
  • How to generate awareness for a campaign.
  • Advice for launching your own crowdfunding initiative.
  • The simple email strategy you can use to gain more supporters.

Mentioned During the Show

Linda’s KickStarter Profile – Take a look at Linda Jo Kushner’s submission to KickStarter. This is the campaign that raised $20,265 for Linda’s truck. You can also watch Linda’s video here as well.

How KickStarter Works – Learn more about this platform for fundraising. Thank you so much for your continued support. See you next time for another new episode!

Want to start your own food business?

Hey! I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. By sharing these stories, I want to help others get started.

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