red hook lobster pound

Doug Povich has been around since the start of the Washington DC mobile food movement. Today, Povich shares what has changed over the past half decade from a regulation and popularity standpoint within DC’s growing food truck scene.

Povich also shares valuable advice on what it takes to influence food truck friendly laws in your area, why enrolling in a food truck association is critical to success, and why you should be reaching out to other businesses (food truck vendors, restaurants, and bars) to create win-win relationships. Povich will also be sharing his knowledge at the upcoming Capital City Food Truck Convention being held March 19th – March 20th in Washington, D.C. Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn more!

capital city food truck convention

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn how Doug was a lawyer for over 2 decades prior to starting his food truck in Washington, D.C.
  • How they got started in with Red Hook Lobster Pound in August of 2010. The first day the truck had a line of over 350 people around a city block.
  • Why Doug brought in an expert that had experience with catering and cooking.
  • What the Washington food truck scene looked like in 2010 versus 2016.
  • How you can influence a positive perception of food trucks within your city.
  • The advantages of banding together as a group to influence local law and regulations by forming a food truck association.
  • How more food truck friendly laws have been put in place over the past 5 years in Washington DC. Such as special vending zones where 15 – 20 food truck owners can operate at a single time.
  • The importance of creating win-win situations with other businesses, including restaurants and other food trucks.
  • How “hook-ups” between bars and other businesses have been instrumental in building relationships with other business owners.
  • The importance of factoring seasonality into your business.
doug povich

Doug Povich outside the Red Hook Lobster Pound DC Truck.

Quotes from the Show

In 2010 / 2011 there were maybe 10 or 15 food trucks. Flash forward now there’s over 500 that are licensed in the DC area. – Doug Povich on the growth of food trucks within the DC area. 

Vending when there’s one truck and no one else nearby is okay. But actually it’s been shown that if you have two or three trucks in a little pod together you actually attract more business. – Povich on the importance of forming relationships with other food truck vendors. 

If you’re a food truck and you’re parking near a restaurant doesn’t mean that you’re taking business from that restaurant. What it actually means is you’re increasing food traffic on the sidewalks so that your business succeeds and their business gets more money. – Povich on some of the misconceptions about food trucks being categorically bad for restaurants. 

Mentioned in the Show

Red Hook Lobster Pound DC – The official website of today’s featured guest Doug Povich. Check out the menu and see where the truck will be located next.

DMV Food Truck Association – This is a non-profit organization serving the DC area, helping create local jobs and raise awareness of the local food truck industry.

Capital City Food Truck Convention – Convention runs from March 19th – 20th at DOC5 in Washington, D.C. Today’s guest Doug Povich will be speaking at this event. Click the link to view the full list of speakers and topics.

East Coast Mobile Business Launch Pad – One of the main sponsors of the Capital City Food Truck Convention. East Coast Mobile Business Launch Pad will also be at the event.

Want to start your own food business?

Hey! I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. By sharing these stories, I want to help others get started.

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